
Sakuraba Kotaro succeeded to a little grocery store from his dead father. With help of Nagisha, his mother-in-law, and Nagisa, his sister, he managed to keep the store. One day, a big supermarket, Kaneyu, urged him to deliver the shop. The man in charge of Kaneyu was his brother who had run away from home giving up his father’s business.

Wife With Wife
Wife With Wife

Episode List...


Alternative title


First air date Jul. 28, 2005
Last air date Sep. 30, 2005
Seasons 1
Episodes 2
Average Duration 28 minutes


Sleepless: A Midsummer Night’s Dream – The Animation
Bondage Mansion
Tower of Etruria
Tsumamigui 3 The Animation
Oni Chichi: Kakeeshon
Natural Vacation The Animation
Kafun Shoujo Chuuihou! The Animation
Oshiete Re: Maid
Xpress Train
Chinetsu Karte: The Devilish Cherry
Daiakuji: The Xena Buster