
the developer of erotic games Beelzebub, announced an anime adaptation by Suzuki Mirano studio, one of their games “Konbini Shoujo Z”.The story will tell us about the life and everyday life of another fat man in the role of the main character, he works as a manager of a convenience store, who was severely punished for the constant thefts occurring in his store. In this regard, the manager is very outraged by such an attitude towards him, because instead of catching thieves, he himself is being punished, and therefore he decides to take justice into his own hands. At the moment, the manager suspects three women of thefts and he plans to interrogate them properly, bringing charges.Now this “poor guy” will have to protect the store from these women, forcing them to pay for what they did.

Konbini Shoujo Z
Konbini Shoujo Z
Konbini Shoujo Z
Konbini Shoujo Z
Konbini Shoujo Z

Episode List...


Alternative title


First air date Dec. 24, 2021
Seasons 1
Episodes 2
Average Duration 30 minutes
Quality, ,


Doukyo Suru Neneki
Elf no Futagohime: Willan to Arsura
Ura Jutaijima
Hime-sama Gentei!
Majuu Jouka Shoujo Utea
Shoujo Senki Brain Jacker
Bitch Gakuen ga Seijun na Hazu ga Nai!!? The Animation
Sansha Mendan: Rensa Suru Chijoku Choukyou no Gakuen
Alice in Dreamland
Gitai Saimin
Nozoki Kanojo