
This anime focuses on Kazama Mana, the main character of Yakin Byoto 2. She is an intern works for a sanatorium as an intern nurse. Mana looks up to Nightingale, and she want to be an angel in white like her. But, Mizukawa Wataru, the patient whose days are numbered, says to her that there’s no angel and begins to make her a sex game.

Kazama Mana
Kazama Mana
Kazama Mana

Episode List...


Alternative title

風間愛 (アニメ)

First air date Aug. 25, 2006
Seasons 1
Episodes 1
Average Duration 30 minutes


Yuusha-hime Miria
Rance 01: Hikari wo Motomete The Animation
Otome Hime
Slutty-Princess Diaries
Love 2 Quad
Oni Chichi 2: Revenge
Isekai Kita node Sukebe Skill de Zenryoku Ouka Shiyou to Omou The Animation
Tsuma Netori 3: Kairaku ni Ochita Injiru Kyoushi-tachi
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