
Dissatisfied with an ordinary high school life, Akane Niimura decides to join the Futa Club. The organization consists solely of futanari—well-developed women with male genitals. The club’s members spend their free time pursuing a single activity: indulging in as much sexual pleasure with each other as possible.

However, there is a major problem with Akane—she is a regular girl! Therefore she can only be admitted to the club as a “service specialist.” Despite ending up with the subservient role of being a sex toy for the other members, Niimura is content with her position and resolves to fully enjoy the club’s exciting activities.


Episode List...


Alternative title


First air date Jan. 21, 2015
Last air date May. 02, 2015
Seasons 1
Episodes 2
Average Duration 22 minutes


Toilet no Hanako-san vs Kukkyou Taimashi
Otome Dori
Oyomesama Honey Days
Betsu ni Anta no Tame ni Ookiku Nattan Janain Dakara ne!!
Behind Closed Doors
Shitai wo Arau
Koakuma Kanojo The Animation
Kafun Shoujo Chuuihou! The Animation
Tsuma Netori Kan: Bijutsu Kyoushi No Baai
Bible Black: New Testament
Dark Blue
3Ping Lovers! Ippu Nisai no Sekai e Youkoso The Animation